At any given moment a person is born and he or she has no idea what life has in store for them. The concept of good and bad, right and wrong or the consequences of one’s actions has not yet been learned, this is the beginning. From that point on it seems like life starts screaming by, and before you know it, like the blink of an eye you find yourself in this moment, sitting here reading this post. And hopefully, for the next few moments, time has slowed and you have stopped; possibly in silence you sit and contemplate what you have done, what you could do and what you have learned from life. Unlike when you were born you are now aware of life and its consequences, you know where you are, what you have become. So ask yourself; are you where you want to be, are you who you want to be and have you done what you want to do? If I’ve gotten you to think, quietly, you’ve taken a few moments of reflection and looked at your life, now what are you going to do?
Just a thought - Sensei Ogle
Just a thought - Sensei Ogle